


壹模型 One Hobby

2014年2月1日 星期六

原 篤志入籍Speed master Hobby團隊

就在剛剛,RCT編輯部收到來自台灣超霸模型(Speed master Hobby)的官方通知信件…擁有多項車種世界冠軍頭銜的國際知名車手-原 篤志已經與該公司簽訂了一份為期三年的工作合約。
在接下來時間,原 篤志將成為該團隊的品牌形象代言人,並將幫助開發和促進產品完善,以及競賽事務。貢獻出他的專業,向工程團隊提供了寶貴的反饋和指導。


Multiple World and National Champion Atsushi Hara has joined forces with Speed master Hobby Company, the distributor of Sworkz racing vehicles and TPRO tires to facilitate the role of Team Brand Ambassador. Hara has signed a three-year contract with Speed master and will be a full-time employee, utilized to help develop and refine products specifically for racing. Hara will be racing SWORKz 1/10 and 1/8 off-road vehicles the next three years, providing valuable feedback and direction to the engineering team.

Speed master’s Scott Yang had this to say: “We’re very excited to have Atsushi Hara on our team and the vast knowledge from years of racing he brings with him. He has been one of the most decorated racers, but has also been a consummate professional when representing his sponsors and is why he’ll be our company’s ambassador. We know that he’ll play a major role in developing our growing racing lines SWORKz and TPro.”

Hara and the rest of the SWORKz team will attend all of the major international races in 2014. SWORKz involvement at internationally recognized races is core to our business, brand awareness and allows us to be at the forefront of emerging trends. 




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