相信較資深的飛友應該聽過X-CELL這美國品牌的直昇機;甚至還有飛行過的經驗。因為該品牌直昇機產品曾經在台灣市場行銷過一段時間。不過就在稍早前,生產X-CELL的Miniature Aircraft公司在其Facebook粉絲專頁-「Miniature
Aircraft USA」發佈了一則歇業公告…
"After 26 years in business, Miniature
Aircraft USA has decided to close its doors. Over the last 26 years we’ve
strived to provide the highest quality American made products using American
labor, American made CNC machines and American made raw materials. Due to the
influx of overseas brands and increase cost of producing models in the USA, we
can no longer continue to produce and stay competitive in this market. We can’t
fully express our deep gratitude for your business and support. Serving all our
loyal team pilots and customers has been nothing but an absolute pleasure.
Our last effective day of business will be
February 28, 2014. Until that date, we will continue to accept and process your
orders as normal. After February 28th all remaining Miniature Aircraft products
will sell through HeliProz, Ron’s HeliProz South and all other MA Dealers.
Please contact us with any questions or
comments. Our commitment to providing you the best service and support is still
our top priority. Thank you again for a great 26 years.
Miniature Aircraft"
●引用來源:Miniature AircraftUSA