


壹模型 One Hobby

2019年7月6日 星期六

HPI Racing老闆再換人,這次是丹麥Vestergaard Group!

●資料來源:HPI Racing
對於遙控車業者來說,這種事情在沒看到RCT編輯部發布前,其實心中早就已經預期不久的將來一定會發生…。當然,這次是真的。因為HPI Racing已經在上個月底的官方FB粉絲頁做出了公告。

相信HPI Racing Savage 1/8引擎大腳車是許多台灣玩家年輕時的最多回憶。的確,Savage當紅的那個時期(約2002年),它已經成為車友聚會時共同的交談話題。而也因為它的驚人成功,進而點燃了全球遙控車廠商競相投入大腳車市場的戰火。

不過,隨著市場的劇烈變化,HPI Racing的品牌和資產在2016年中旬賣給了英國一家模型通路商-Ripmax參閱過去的報導)。可惜,換手之後除了口號之外並無其它明顯的業務提升,狂拋庫存倒是常見。而在去(2018)年底台灣一度充斥已無維修零件的HPI數款車種,疑似資金不足以物抵債(支付員工薪資、協力廠商貨款)的謠傳開始爆發,品牌無以為繼的預測引人聯想。

果不其然,HPI Racing20196月底發布了正式公告…丹麥Vestergaard GroupVestergaard集團)入股成為新任老闆。以下消息原文

HPI Racing is delighted to announce a development that will see a change of ownership of its global operation. The major shareholders of the Scandinavian based Vestergaard Group have signed a deal that will see them utilise their 50+ years expertise and investment in the hobby industry to revitalise HPI Racing, capitalise on its great heritage and push the brand forward.

Speaking from Vestergaard Group's Danish HQ, the new owners announced a new era for HPI Racing with a stable supply chain and excellent customer service.
We are looking very much forward to rebuilding the HPI Racing and Maverick brands together with you. The brands will be putting existing customer's needs first. Every HPI Racing product owner around the world has made an investment in HPI Racing. It's important we remember that and do all we can to ensure they have years of enjoyment from it. We can assure you that there is a bright and sustainable future planned for HPI Racing, with both innovation and parts supply at the core”.

More information will follow soon!

Please send any enquiries via email to:

以上原文RCT編輯部在此不做翻譯,有興趣了解的朋友不妨丟到Google翻譯就知道大概是怎麼回事了。我們現在想說的是:「沒想到HPI Racing會一賣再賣」,一個曾經偉大的品牌竟也淪落到這樣的境地。只希望新老闆真的有心思去經營這個品牌,而不是想著變賣僅剩的殘餘價值。雖然說模型歷史故事告訴我們…「一旦墜落就幾乎復活無望」,但我們還是存著「老朋友能活著」的一線希望看待此事件發展。

PS. 如果你去年買到HPI孤兒車,請你原諒廠商;也請記取這個教訓…購買前要確實打聽。(RCT編輯部很樂意分享)

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